Friday, September 28, 2012

The Difference Between President Obama and Jimmy Carter is Peanuts

President Jimmy Carter and President Obama have a lot in common.  Their only difference is peanuts.  I can't find any record of President Obama farming peanuts so I suspect I'm safe with this statement. 

President Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976. The Carter administration took one of the hardest beatings in economic history.  Carter faced stagflation, soaring gold and silver prices and a federal funds rate averaging 11.2% in 1979. 

President Carter also had Iran to deal with. Gas prices soared and you had to get in line in order to get gas.

This was my personal favorite, direct from President Jimmy Carter, the United States boycott of the 1980 Olympic games.  A lot of my friends that made the United States Olympic swimming and water polo teams sat and watched when they would have competed and won Olympic medals.  There are a lot of radical Muslims in London and the Olympics are the perfect stage to show the World you are angry. 

So let's summarize the similarities between President Jimmy Carter and President Obama--Gas prices, soaring gold and silver prices, Iranian war and a lousy economy.  As gas prices go up the chance of recovery falls precipitously.

Frankly I don't think there is a recovery at all despite what Washington is trying to sell.  Obviously the Consumer Confidence index agrees posting a retreat to 61.1 in January after December's number at 64.4.  In other words you can peddle a crock of bologna to the public, it doesn't mean they will buy it.  Just wait until the June number on the consumer confidence index--I'll be stunned if it's above 55.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up as their candidate.  As a registered Independent I get to see things clearly without a prejudice to either party.  From my vantage point the President can't control his destiny.

If gas goes to $5 a gallon and Iran blocks the strait of Hormuz the Republicans can put Barney and Kermit up as their ticket and moon walk into the White House. I think Barney and Kermit would get stronger support from Republicans than Rick Santorum or Governor Mitt Romney. I know Kermit is a true conservative.

President Obama can spend ten billion dollars on TV ads but it won't change the facts.  The five million jobs he promised in the alternative energy industry is now a scandal-- especially with the Solyndra fiasco. The Republicans will be showing his previous campaign ad promising 5 million jobs in alternative energy.  This is also dealt with in detail at Brad Richdale scam.

I know a lot about alternative energy, without government support and incentives it's a lousy pitch.

The mood of the public is directly related to the price of gas--it effects everything.  $5 gas and the President will be writing his memoirs, speaking for $100,000 a speech and improving his golf game.  With all the garbage he has to deal with right now he might welcome all three.  Who knows maybe he will be able to beat Rep. John Boehner after he hits 5,000 practice balls but I doubt it.  I went into further detail about these elements at  

                          written by Brad Richdale Author copyright 2012 all rights reserved