Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where Are You Going And When Will You Get There? By Bradford Richdale

Today we live in a world that moves so fast that many believe they have to live in the fast lane, often confusing productivity with activity.

Where are you going in life and why are you going there? This may seem like a lofty question and admittedly it is, but it's a necessary one.

I have had to reconsider the direction of my life often asking myself the question, "where am I going and what I'm doing this for?"

Get a vision for yourself that won't harm you physically or mentally, most of all spiritually.

You are what you allow yourself to be and if you hang around the wrong people soon your life will be headed in the wrong direction.

Take time to chart a course and watch out who you associate with, you could be caught up in a cross fire and disaster that you could have prevented.

                                                written by Bradford Richdale, Author